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Monday, June 22, 2009

A new Hobby...

I know exam is almost over...
But i still recently developed a new hobby...

That is watching CLASSIC Cartoon Movies...

Duh who says cartoons are for kids??
Waw, i seriously disagree with that...
Duh it doesn't mean that ur a teen...
And you cannot watch cartoon...
There's no rule in that...

A wise man (lol, not a wise man la)

"If you actually watch Disney movies, all of them have a meaning. It appeals to kids but has an underlining meaning. If you don't understand that then you are just ignorant or dislike cartoons that actually make you think!!!!"

I found these words quite satisfying...
Well its true, i think every cartoon, not to mention anime...
Has its own meaning...

I recently just dug my storage cupboard out for old movies...

And guess what i found?

The Lion King and The Lion King:Simba's Pride...

Cool, i forgot they were there all along...

Well, so i wasted... lol used... an hour and half to watch...
Hmm... quite true i found out the story is still...

you cant compare new cartoon movies to the old ones...
Cause if u do the old wans will totally own...

Old, Classic, cartoon has a very splendid story line...
Even the song and music used...
Are very meaningful...

Compared to nowadays modern cartoon...
Producers target are to make u laugh...
Just laugh...
Pure laugh...
Thats ALL!
Man, i wished they had make cartoons movies...
BETTER!! Which is a very huge dissapointment...
Comparing to the old schools...

Well another wise man said:

"When you grow up, you don't see the movie like you did before, but actually you find a new meaning to it that makes it enjoyable."

I think its also quite true...
Well, since the day i start watching anime, cartoon etc... la
So plz dont judge a cartoon by its name...

Just a random picture of the lion king family....

Ooo, I think I remember who they are!

P.S: i spend 4 days listening to lion king 1 and 2 de song and music... I must be going mad!

Xian An,
"Rhythms of the Classics"

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